Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Is There Any Military Cloudbusting?

If there was ever a military cloudbusting project, it would almost certainly have had to start out as a research project to see if the device actually did work or not. That would have had to be conducted by scientists, with several years of tests needed to provide the evidence to decide if it merited further funding. At a minimum, several scientists in more than one specialty would have been involved, along with the enlisted personel to do the actual physical labor, the clerk to type up the reports, the officer in charge of the program, and the accountants in the paymaster's office to keep track of expenses and make sure the people in the program got paid.

Then, after the research had established that it worked and it was to be deployed operationally, there would have to be auhorisation by numerous high-level officers in the Pentagram, somebody on the presidential staff, and the Congressional comittee in charge of the intelligence services. And all these people have staff members and secretaries who write up their reports who would have to know about it. 

And if the program was done at more than one base, the commanding officers of those bases would have to know, and so would their office staff, clerks to type up the reports, etc.

And if there were any operations done in another country, such as the UK, the Prime Minister of that country, along with his staff and secretaries would need to know and so would a few members of parliment who are on the commitee in charge of oversight of the intelligence services.  And so would their secretaries and staff members, of course. 

So it is hard to see how such a program could be done with fewer than several hundred people knowing about it. There would have to others who knew at least a part of it, for example, machinists to fabricate the equipment, meteorologists to make forecasts and study the results for anomolies, etc.

And all these people would be long gone from the service by now if the program started in the 1950s. The term of a hitch in the service is 4 years. A career person, spends 20 or 30 years in the service, but never all in one job. A military job depends on rank, and the normal time between promotions is 18 months. Then the individual is promoted to some other job. So the turnover rate in a cloudbuster program begun in the 1950s would by now have included thousands of personel, most of whom are now civilians again.

A member of the military must agree to not reveal classified information upon his discharge, of course, but there is no practical way to enforce that. If an ex-serviceman, after several years, not to say decades, as a civilian again, no longer used to military  discipline, decided to reveal something classified on an internet website, or to a reporter, what could the service do? File criminal charges and thereby admit he was telling the truth? That would only give him publicity and credibility.

A vetran who felt he was being cheated out of his rightful benefits by the Vetran's Administration, or someone about to die and therefor not afraid of prosecution, could ignore criminal sanctions anyway and reveal classified information out of a desire for revenge. Or could blackmail the government for millions of dollars by threatening to go public with classified information. Or someone who holds citizenship in another country could just go there and feel free to say anything he wanted since he has no intention of ever returning to the States.

But of the all the thousands of people who must have direct, first-hand inside information on the alleged secret cloudbusting program, the only witnesses to so far come forward are 3 religious fanatics, at least one of whom is an alcoholic. 

Which is more  likely, that thousands of people can keep a secret for over 50 years, or that alcoholics and people suffering from mystical delusions are unreliable witnesses?

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